Quarterli is a truly unique concept. Web application software that helps deliver senior team alignment. We worked closely with the client to take our idea from initial concept to market and in the process designed and built software unlike anything in the marketplace.
Delighted with the work Sandlebridge did on re-imagining my Quarterli SaaS website. It was a technically challenging project, including a fundamental change to the payment model.
Our relationship with Quarterli goes back to 2017 when the concept of a senior team alignment tool was just an idea in the eye of its creator, Mike McKenzie. Mike, a business consultant had long realised the importance of alignment among senior team members - the better aligned they are the more chance of business success. But how to package this theory into a product that could be practically used by managing directors to help them align their team and ensure they all head in the same direction. Before Quarterli no such product existed.
Our challenge was three-fold. Firstly we needed to understand the methodology and maths behind Quarterli. Next, we needed to work with the client to turn his vision into a series of user journey wireframes. And finally, to build out sophisticated software that would enable users to add their team, send out questionnaires, collect responses, assign a sophisticated scoring algorithm and then display the results within the "Quartlerli Matrix". As an eCommerce product there was also a need for a bespoke checkout process.
The end result comprised a marketing website built with Webflow CMS and the main application, built using Bubble.io. These combined sites bring together the marketing of Quarterli and the actual web application used by managing directors. A great deal of testing was required to ensure the robustness of features and results. In addition to the question-gathering process, the application also stores previous results so that the business leaders can check progress over time. Without doubt, Quarterli is one of the most challenging projects we've ever undertaken, and this is in part due to a client that pushed and challenged us and part due to the fact that there was nothing else in existence that was similar to Quarterli. It's a great example of client and web agency working together to deliver a unique application.
If you have a business concept that only exists in your mind's eye then please get in touch with Phil Holt for an informal, and confidential chat. We love to solve problems by bringing innovative ideas to life,