Forest Carbon

Carbon Offsetting Subscription Service

in a nutshell

An innovative approach to enabling consumers and businesses to calculate their carbon footprint and offset this through membership subscriptions or one off contributions to carbon balancing projects. Sandlebridge designed and built a custom application to drive Carbon Club memberships.

Phil is helpful, thoughtful and really knows his stuff. He has been a great help to improving our businesses website.

Madeleine Wild
Forest Carbon
June 2024
Google Analytics
Google Maps
Database design
Project Management
Technical Support
Website build
Website design
Web Application Development

full story


Forest Carbon approached Sandlebridge to see if we could develop a custom "Carbon Club" application to replace a web application to which they were subscribing to run their memberships on. They figured that the long term benefits of a bespoke solution would not only save them money, but would give them the opportunity to provide a tailored subscription experience to their own members.

Problem to be solved

Behind the scenes there were some complex calculations and business process logic for us to understand. Forest Carbon manage a range of carbon offsetting projects around the world, including many here in the UK. Members could make regular contributions to various schemes, including UK nature, international projects. The client needed the ability to manage these projects, including setting up projects and managing various methods of memberships. The user experience had to be simple and straightforward, with a shopping cart experience. Users could add memberships or one-off carbon offset purchases to their basket. Additionally, the member would need to be able to manage their contributions and subscriptions and download a certificate to show the impact these positive actions were having on the planet.


Bespoke application development can be challenging. It's important to understand the business objectives and full scope of work as late adjustments to the project could lead to overuns in time and money - something we're always keen to avoid. We therefore set about with a discovery workshop to deep dive into the requirements and from this worked up an outline specification. Following this we used Figma as a tool to help prototype the various functionalities and user journeys. Once approved we then built the entire application using the platform. This enabled us to fast-track development and be lighter on our feet to make small adjustments at the various review stages. Following successful testing the web application was launched. Currently, Sandlebridge provides ongoing support to deal with any updates or questions our client or their members have.

Want to know more?

If you have a similar project to Forest Carbon please get in touch with Phil Holt for an informal, and no-obligation chat. We love to solve problems by bringing innovative ideas and thinking to the table.

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